Welcome to the Bat Rock Habitat Key project website.
Please note that as of 17th April 2023 Henry Andrews has very generously handed over the ongoing management of the Bat Rock Habitat Key Project to the Bat Conservation Trust. You will see a new email address (brhk@bats.org.uk) on each database page which reflects this change. We will be announcing the handover and making changes to the website in due course.
The Bat Conservation Trust would like to thank Henry for all of his hard work and expertise in developing this project and for the contribution it has made to bat conservation. We look forward to working with users of the project and further developing it in the future.
This website holds: –
- The four project objectives and their accompanying definitions of success;
- An online database of all records thus far collected by the project, and submitted by third-party contributors;
- Facilities for the submission of records;
- A reference page with recording forms etc. for download; and
- A contact via which interested parties may submit inquiries.
PLEASE NOTE: This process for submitting records is different to the Bat TREE Habitat Key project. There is no online submission. Instead, records should be collected using the recording form provided on the relevant rock feature database pages. There is also a template Excel database sheet for each rock feature so that recorders can collate and store their own records. Records can be submitted to the project database by taking a photograph of the recording form, or completing the Excel spreadsheet (or both the photo of the recording form AND the spreadsheet), and emailing them with photos of the feature and bat(s) to brhk@bats.org.uk.
Henry Andrews (11th April 2022)